Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Love/Hate Relationship with Fundraising.

let's just be frank.

It's never - no NEVER - easy to fundraise.

Lately, I've been wrestling with why it's like that.

What are the reasons backing my hesitations when it comes to fundraising?
Why do I hate it?
Why do I have to do it?
Why is it apart of my journey?

Do we even ask these questions any more?
I feel like they are so necessary.
At the end of the day, I find myself before my Jesus looking for answers.

I bring my fearful, cynical and unbelieving heart before Him asking for Him to teach me to truly trust Him - even in this.

Do you get what I'm saying?

Right before I begin a 'fundraising campaign' of some sorts I feel this.
Every time.
Those nerves that say, "what will people think of me?"
The fears that whisper, "what if the money doesn't come in?"
The self-sufficency pressure that convinces me that this is my burden and mine alone.

I must fight for Truth in every situation.

So here is the Truth that He has opened my eyes to recently.

Why do we fundraise?

Because it's not about the MONEY.
Like previously said, this is the main Truth that God has shared with me.
It's NEVER been about the money but about me trusting Him.
He will always have the money but He doesn't always have my trust.

Because it's an invitation linked to JOY.
We invite people into the journey that God has us on.
It's a window that let's them see into what God is doing in us and thankfully through us.
But it is never something that people should feel pressured to do.
Ultimately, we are inviting them into one of our greatest joys &
I pray that they will always see a joy-filled servant rather than a greedy beggar.

Because you share in that SAME joy.
I've learned that most people donate for two reasons:
1. because they love the person
2. because they love the cause.
With my whole heart, I pray that those who love me will also love my cause.
That they will delight in praying for me and even giving towards what I am doing because they simply agree that what I am doing is WORTH it and that it is NECESSARY.

And what is my cause exactly?
Humbly asking God to use me to both tell and show the nations of the world that He loves them and deeply cares about them. Begging God to mold my life into an image of that Truth, knowing that the greatest need of mankind is not food, water or medicine but the life-giving and life-saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!

So, I am praying for a few things.
& I am asking for you to join with me in praying to a God who hears us!

1. For God to continue to conquer the lies in my heart that lead me to believe that fundraising is a burden and for Him to sow Truth down deep within me. Psalm 51:6

2. For God to lead me to partner with those who believe in the power of the Gospel and the necessity to bring it to the ends of the earth. Matthew 28:18-20

3. For God to transfer funds from the wicked into the hands of the righteous and for the righteous to believe in giving cheerfully to the advancement of God's Kingdom. Proverbs 13:22 & 2 Corinthians 9:7

4. For God to give me strategies on how to fundraise well through different events and ways to share my story. Proverbs 16:9

5. For my heart to ultimately trust God during this entire process knowing that He owns all the money in the world but my heart is more precious to Him. Proverbs 3:5-6

I am so thankful to serve a God who, although He can flex His might and powerfully provide in an instant, cares deeply enough to produce in me something during this time that is more precious than gold!

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